Alyssa Boyd (Mrs.Fecta)
CFO and Co-Founder
Alyssa is Team Trifecta’s biggest cheerleader and supporter since Day 1. Alyssa, or better known as Mrs. Fecta, has been involved in the creation of Trifecta with Dr. Boyd before they were even married. Our well-renowned customer service (over 200+ 5 Star Reviews!) is largely due to her expertise in hospitality as she received her bachelors in Tourism and Hospitality from the legendary program at Temple University.
Now Trifecta’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Alyssa helps the team with the billing and financials so that the clinicians can focus on doing what they are best at: getting clients better, faster. On top of all that, Alyssa’s extreme understanding and sacrifice of even her own personal time has paved the way for Dr. Boyd to constantly pursue clinical excellence and lead the team of the most highly trained sports and orthopedic physical therapists in the entire Greater Philadelphia area!
In her free time Alyssa enjoys HIIT style training, running the Broad Street 10 miler, and exploring the world with her husband.