That’s Decent

Personal Physical Therapy

I have been practicing physical therapy for close to five years now and with each year that goes by I further understand the absolute importance of establishing therapeutic alliance (developing a good rapport) with all my clients. Many of those who have to undergo rehabilitation tend to be at the lowest points of their year. They are in pain, restricted from what they love to do (sports, recreation, training, time with family), restricted from what they need to do (work, chores) and even depressed (cannot blame them). And, let’s be honest, having to go through rehab on top of all of that sucks.

Unfortunately, for some during rehab they have to go a clinic where they do not know anyone, see their doctor once or twice during their rehab, and then become another number in a busy clinic. They never get a chance to connect to anyone as they get passed off from one clinician to another, or even an aide/tech. The patient is removed from what I believe is the most beautiful/essential part of the rehab, that being, the bonding with someone during these low moments.

Personal Physical Therapy

You would be amazed on how impactful it is in someone’s rehab to make them feel at home and as comfortable as possible. They will tell you their fears, their goals, their dreams, and the inner details of their past/current/future life. I believe all of that is therapeutic in nature and has a part in the healing/rehabilitative process.

You can connect stories/experiences of their past to pain science analogies during their rehab process. This cannot be done when we only spend ten minutes with our clients. Sure, whether you take the time to connect with a client or not, the clinic still gets paid. But, who suffers? Unfortunately, its the patient.

The Decent Doctor

Over the years, the bonds I have made with patients have been nothing short of amazing. I have been a part of some awesome stories from the return to weight lifting competitions, running marathons, and even a weekend round of 18.

People always thank the therapist for accomplishing their goals, even though it was them who persevered (so you should thank yourselves for trusting the process). What my clients have thanked me the most for (besides their recoveries) was making it enjoyable for them. I found that they appreciate that I am human as well and that they can relate to me.

I attempted once, a long time ago, to be completely 100% doctor mode and nothing else. People definitely got better, but we lacked connection. People did not open up as much as they do now. I soon found out that I needed to be more than just Dr. Boyd. I needed to show that I am just like them. I make weekend plans, I am weekend warrior and hell I even enjoy a drink or two. Since then, I now get to watch my athletes back on the field for the first time, videos of their latest deadlift in the gym and text messages of victories over the weekend.

That is why I made The Decent Doctor. To combine all things that are me with physical therapy. Education, manual therapy, mentorship and life behind the scenes (the human side). To show that I am just that, a decent human being (or at least I hope I am). I am not claiming I am the perfect doctor or the best (even though I strive to be), I just want to show people that I am more than just a doctor, I am a…..decent doctor! Lastly, I really hope you enjoy this journey!

That’s Decent,

Dr. Jeremy Boyd aka The Decent Doctor

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