Kobe Bryant: Laser Sharp Focus on the Things That Matter Most

There have been a lot of stories written on the death of Kobe Bryant, one of the most iconic sports figures of all time. His passing (and the passing of the 8 other victims from the crash) is a tragedy that left most of us scratching our heads wondering why something as routine as heading to a basketball game could possibly result in the death of innocent people.

As one of my personal idols, Kobe represented what it meant as an athlete to devote yourself to your goal. I can honestly say I’m not sure where I’d be today without the example that Kobe set as an athlete who gave his all to achieve his goal.

Kobe Bryant: Laser Sharp Focus on the Things That Matter Most

For me, it was bigger than basketball. It was about having that positive role model to show you what true focus looked like. Growing up I found inspiration in the tenacity that he displayed.

People have often said they don’t understand why some find sports so compelling, but I believe it’s because sports are a microcosm of the human experience.

You go through the winning, the losing, the risk and the reward. And that’s something that we can all relate to in our lives.

Kobe’s post game shooting sessions, his legendary toughness, and his intense practices were all things I drew strength from in my own life when challenges came my way. He showed me how to approach the things that mattered most.

That’s what it takes to get to where you want to be. Prioritize and execute. It sounds intimidating and intense, and maybe it is. But it’s also integral to becoming the best you can be, and that’s something that Kobe understood better than most.

His impact as a great sports figure is impossible to overstate.

And that’s why so many athletes have felt Kobe’s death. Because of the example he set and the way he prioritized his life around achieving his goals.

He was the standard by which everyone who loved basketball could aspire to move towards.

We All Need to Find Our “Why”

For Kobe, it was being the best he could be as a ball player because that’s what mattered to HIM. And in his post basketball career it became his family, his storytelling ventures, and his Mamba sports academy.

It’s our job to find our focus and shoot for the stars.

That’s what we are all about here at Trifecta. Reaching your potential, realizing your true self, and refusing to settle for less.

That’s what I did when I left teaching, what Dr. Boyd did when he chose to open his own business, and what Dr. Hanus did when he discovered his passion for working with athletes in his final clinical.

It’s okay to not have it all figured out. But once you figure it out, it’s your responsibility to move towards your goals with vigor. Because, as Kobe, his daughter, and all the lives taken from that helicopter crash have shown us, things can change in an instant.

And when a tragedy like this strikes it’s okay to not know what to do or how to feel. It’s a natural response.

But really the only thing we can do is to do what Kobe would have done.

  • Focus.

  • Lock in.

  • Chase greatness.

If you do that, you’ll get to where you want to be.

And we promise that we’ll be here every step of the way to help you along your journey. Because that’s OUR focus.


-Coach Cam

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Feature Image courtesy of https://unsplash.com/@ocollet


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