Coach Testimonial Trifecta Therapeutics Coach Testimonial Trifecta Therapeutics

Duarte Monteiro - Owner/Founder of ZenSport

“As a victim of chronic lower back pain for over twelve years, I gained more insight in my two visits with Dr. Jeremy than all my past therapy sessions with chiropractors and physical therapists combined. His thorough screening process and caring approach is what truly differentiates him from many other practitioners in the area. It’s for this reason alone that as an athletic trainer and local gym owner, I recommend all of my present clients to seek him out when unusual joint or muscular pains begin to surface with frequency. If you’re looking for a progressive and thoughtful therapy, then look no further, as Trifecta Therapy is the place to be! “

Duarte Monteiro - Owner/Founder of ZenSport

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