News of the Novel 2019 Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Glassboro NJ Trifecta Sports Physical Therapy & Rehab Offers Telehealth

A Message From Team Trifecta:

Dear Fecta Fam and our surrounding amazing community,

We have indeed fallen on hard and unprecedented times with the rapid spread of COVID-19. It has impacted the health of many, the international economy and on a more personal standpoint the rehabilitation and progress of our clients. We applaud every person, business and community taking actions ahead of time to help limit the spread of the virus. We would like to do our part as well, while ensuring our clients continue to make progress towards eliminating their pain, improving their function and ultimately achieving every single active goal that they set out for.

We have invested in Bioblast disinfectant and cleaner. “Bioblasting products are non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and safe to use on all hard surfaces in the clinic. The BioBlast Disinfectant is a powerful, broad spectrum disinfectant with numerous EPA registered kill-claims on viruses, bacteria, and fungi. This disinfectant is USDA Organic and certified by the FDA and EPA and is a crucial part to our steps in controlling the spread of the COVID-19 virus and protecting our clients”. All our therapists will be using separate gloves on all contact with our clients. As recommended by the CDC we will also be maintaining a safe distance between personnel in the clinic.

For the next two weeks we are offering private sessions with their respective therapists. We are doing this in order to keep the amount of people in our facility down to a bare minimum. You may also see less of the staff in the office, but rest assured that they (myself, Cam and Justin) are working hard at home to continue to develop the best plan of cares for you all. Although these are “not necessary” steps to take since we are considered “essential” providers and never have more than 10 individuals in our facility at a time (even pre COVID-19), I have elected to employing them to make sure that everyone feels at ease.

There is a reason why we as therapists prescribe each client a respective plan of care and times per week as that is what we believe is necessary to achieve their goals. An unfortunate consequence of this virus is that it has ceased the beauty of sport, competition and activity in our communities. Our job as sports physical therapists is to ensure that when normalcy is returned so will our clients. We currently have individuals that just recently underwent surgical procedures (ACL reconstructions, OCD lesions, etc) and other clients who are seeing progress for the first time in years that cannot afford not to receive PT services. Nothing is more heartbreaking to hear than “I have made so much progress, I do not want to lose it”. So, I will not stop their momentum for fear of failure of their surgeries or the progress that they have made. That being said if it gets to the point where I need to get a full bio-hazmat suit to rehab those individuals in their homes or wherever it is legal, I will do so (Thankfully we are currently not even close to such a drastic option, as I am a scary looking person in normal clothes let alone a biohaz suit 😂).

The environment of physical therapy (especially that of Trifecta for anyone who has had the pleasure of being with us, or follow our story) is a part of the healing process. Whether it’s the manual (hands-on) therapy, the on-the-spot education/advice, the tactile cues, or even just being around a positive/fun/comforting environment with others who are going through “similar” issues as your own, it all helps the individual heal physically, mentally and emotionally. That is why we will continue to remain open to provide that to our people. You may find that you now have an abundance of free time on your hands (school/gym closures, social life to a minimum). Now is the time to spend on yourself. The timing of rest from the craziness of your normal daily life plus rehab is likely exactly what you need to finally get rid of that pain that has been bothering you for months or years. This is the perfect example of making lemonade when life gives you lemons. So, reach out to us, let us know how we can help you!

Telehealth Appointments for Physical Therapy in Glassboro, NJ

Lastly, we have made the steps to add TELEHEALTH (aka Trifecta Telehealth Therapy, Triple T!) services to our practice for those individuals who cannot leave their house or their occupational demands have changed greatly (nurses, doctors, police, EMTs, and any other servicemen/women). Telehealth is essentially physical therapy services that are provided over a technology platform, rather than by in-person means. Although not ideal compared to what we offer in-clinic, this is still a great option for the time-being. Specifically for our clients of Trifecta, you will be able to fully communicate with your therapist, engage in pain science discussions, learn self mobilization techniques, progress or learn new exercises and continue to advance towards your goals. For those who’s rehab was cut short due to this outbreak or clients/students forced to relocate during their rehab this is an amazing option for you. Also, for anyone who has been referred to us or was interested in our services but the distance was too much, this is for you. We encourage this service if you truly feel that you do not want to leave your household, which is completely understandable. Our physical therapy association (APTA) has released a statement supporting the use of Telehealth especially during these times of limited human contact.

We will also be providing links to some great home equipment rehab essentials (super bands, mini bands). As we treat an active community we will be having our strength and conditioning coaches provide workouts throughout the week that can be performed at home or sharing workouts of some of our amazing fitness friends/gym owners in the local area that are already doing an amazing job of keeping their members and the virtual world active during this restrictive time.

Our promise to you during these tough times is the same it always has been: to continue to provide you the best therapy services in whatever way possible, in the most clean and safest environment. We look forward to continuing to help you all in achieving your goals and cannot wait to see you all back to what you love to do in your sport/activity. As I tell all my clients that undergo an especially tough procedure/time in their life, “yes this sucks and it is probably the lowest low you are going to have, but use this as an opportunity to become better, stronger and more resilient than you ever been. And so when the next low comes you will rise to the occasion knowing that you've been through this”. Hope this helps everyone, and please do not hesitate to reach out to us even if it’s just to talk, vent or release some emotions. We are always here for you.

Trust The Trifecta,

Dr. Boyd