Physical Therapy: A Necessary Evil or An Invaluable Tool?

Certain things in life are undeniably enjoyable. Ice cream. Hitting the game winning shot. Watching the Eagles beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl (sorry Dr. Boyd). Conversely, there are things that evoke an audible groan from us the moment they enter our minds. Research papers. Going to the DMV. Monday mornings. And for some people, physical therapy falls into the latter category as well.

Athletes who’ve had the misfortune of experiencing injury know the frustration that can come along with the rehabilitative process. But what if we change the perception of physical therapy and how we approach injuries?

What role can physical therapy play?

Physical therapy is not only a rehabilitative tool, but also an empowering/preventative one. Serious athletes are usually on top of their training, nutrition, mental focus, and skill work. But what often gets neglected is one of the most powerful tools an athlete has at their disposal: their ability to prevent injury.

Think about this. Society has progressed to the point where we have a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips. Imagine if someone told you that you could dramatically reduce your risk of injury by simply taking the time to do so. You’d do it in a heartbeat right? As much time as we spend working our bodies in the gym, on the court/field, and at our jobs, it would only make sense to spend time fine tuning ourselves to ensure we can continue to engage in all of these things.

Redefine the perception of physical therapy

That’s the true purpose of physical therapy. Not just to rehab you from your injuries (which of course is a part of sport/life) but to keep you healthy and optimize your performance as an athlete! If people approach physical therapy as an asset instead of a burden, there would be a dramatic shift in their mental and physical well being.

And that’s our mission at Trifecta: to educate the athletic community and to optimize the athletic process. Preventative measures are infinitely more powerful than the rehabilitative process because they maximize your time doing what you love, and that’s what life is all about!

There’s an extremely powerful tool at your disposal. All you have to do is decide to utilize it.

Rehabilitate * Empower * PREVENT *

Cam Meiswinkel

CMO/C.S.C.S. Trifecta Therapeutics

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