One Year Of Trifecta
So, one year has officially passed since the Trifecta dream officially began. What a wild and fun year it has been, almost feels like a lifetime. Even though it’s been a year and countless hours, I can say I feel like I have not worked a single day yet. Simply because I work with the best team, the most amazing active and dedicated clients and as a result such a fun environment. Even though today is our one-year anniversary, so much was done before the day we opened up. This has been something I have been imagining since I was 18. And, in order to get to this point, I have been blessed to have the greatest support system anyone can ask for. This post will serve as my thanks to all of you that helped make this happen. I already know this will be a long story, so I do not expect everyone/anyone to read it all but, if you find your name on here let it be known I am forever grateful for everything you have done for me, my company and my family.
My original goal was to first go to PT school, graduate, do a residency, become the best orthopedic/sports therapist I can be by learning from the best, start my own clinic, make it an empire, then find a girl, propose to her, marry her, get a house, and then you know the rest. It was supposed to be in that order…As we all know nothing ever goes to plan. It was going well until midway through residency I found the girl (that’s what I get for using Tinder in a big city smh) and realized I actually loved the gal enough to alter the plan. I didn’t think it would be a major detour; I told myself “I got this.” Well fast forward to last year: we closed on the house first, and then I proposed to her a month later. During this time, I was still working towards Trifecta, but could feel that it was becoming more unrealistic as my life played out. We now moved over an hour away from my current job, I still had a ton of student loans, and now had to think about a mortgage and wedding. I recently got a job as an adjunct at Rowan thanks to my clinical instructor and mentor Terry Andrus.
Following an adjunct meeting, I was walking with my close friend/one of my biggest supporters Frank Locke and my now wife Alyssa in downtown Glassboro, when we came across the smallest little for rent sign in the building where Trifecta is today. I walked past the place numerous times and never saw it, but Frank did and said something along the lines of “Why don’t you check that place out for your spot?” So, I did later that week and it was perfect. Decent size, manageable (but still scary) rent per month, and perfect location for the clients I wanted to treat which was the active population of Glassboro and the local area. Despite all the signs that literally said, “OPEN YOUR PLACE HERE JEREMY!”, I still had doubts with everything previously mentioned. Before all this, Alyssa and I were battling on whether to live down in South Jersey or not. I stated that I did not know if I could open a practice up down here, at least not the practice that I dreamt about. Her response was, “You will, and you will thank me one day when you do”. Naturally, I blew her off as any knucklehead would do.
Mr. and Mrs. Fecta
Flash forward/back to my fears about committing to the location in Glassboro. It was her who said, “just do it already!” She stated she understood it would be a struggle, long hours, me not providing as much financially, her taking care of the house more, and much more. But it was her who said you got this and that she would have my back. So obviously I did. And this post is to primarily serve as to say you were right and I do thank you for making the call to move down south, to push me to finally open up shop, to supporting me every day, to sacrificing weekends/events/fun for me, for the long days without me being home and a million other things that would take forever to write. Words cannot express how blessed I am to have you in my life, thank you for being Mrs. Fecta.
Thank you for everything.
The rest of this sappy post is to thank the countless others who made this all happen. I can write a lot about all of you but probably already lost the attention of most, so I will keep it brief. In no particular order.
First off, thank you God for all these blessings and for all these people that have facilitated this journey.
Thank you to my parents, especially my mom who always said and believed in me in that I would be a doctor from us watching Diagnosis Murder together and even though I was the most mediocre/subpar middle to high school student. Thank you for not giving up on me and constantly insisting on working on athletes.
Thank you to my two older brothers Tim and Dan who paved the way for me and for being men to look up to. Dan thanks for being just a straight up cool dude. I have taken after your mannerisms and probably a reason why more people like me than they would if I didn’t have you. Tim, it was rough being a year and half younger than you and having to live up to your accomplishments. Damn you and your amazing SAT scores and soccer accomplishments. But, with that I had things to strive for. Thank you for always saying “it will happen, and you will get it done” every time I talked about the idea of a business. Not many people are lucky to have two older brothers like them. Also, they brought in two amazing girls into the family Johnna and Megan who have supported me since day 1 of meeting each other, thank you both.
Thank you to my late Aunt Loola. She was the first to get me equipment for my dream, while I was in undergrad. The band system, dumbbells and bike in the clinic are all from her. She constantly would ask how it was coming every time we talked. She is the best aunt any nephew can ask for, I miss her dearly.
Thank you to my in-laws Fran and Meg McDermott. Meg, thank you for helping me understand the finance side of things for the business, for shopping for the business, putting up the decals and so much more. Fran thank you for being one of my first patients and overall my physical therapy guinea pig, I am glad none of our experiments took you out. Thank you for also being the company handyman. Lastly, thank you for allowing me to marry your daughter! Thank you Uncle Billy for all your support and advice on how rig up the office/house/anything.
Thank you to my SISTA-in law Biz McDermott for organizing things at the Fecta and my home office. It was pretty bad before you came in. And, thank you for being the sister I never had.
Thank you to my right-hand man Killa/Coach Cameron Meiswinkel. He has gone above and beyond to help this company grow and completely embodies the culture we have here. Thank you for all the tasks you do which would be a list to long to write. I am beyond grateful for having you on board here.
Thank you, Natalie, for helping me get organized, understand insurances/benefits and a million other things. Also, thank you for fueling the Fecta fanaticism with all the Trifecta logo things you have given. In a related note thank you Asheley Annulysse for also guiding me with insurances/EMR.
Right-hand man but sitting on the left
Thank you to my close friend/mentor/podcast partner Brandon Cruz. He, with my wife, gave me the same speech of “just do it” to get Trifecta started. Thank you telling me all your faux pas of your own physical therapy practice, so I knew to avoid them and that has led to such a smoother road for me. Thank you for bringing me on part time at your place when I started the business, so I had some money to support myself and family. Thank you for bringing me on to help you teach your continuing education courses. It is an honor to be along side you. Thank you for mentoring me clinically as well (my manips would have sucked without you). You are truly one of the greats in physical therapy already.
Thank you to my previous employer BSR Physical Therapy and the therapists within it of Ernie Gamble, Tom Michaels, Amy McMahon, Amanda Edwards, Steve Ferro and for one-month Tommy Ferrick. It was in this environment where I was surrounded by amazing physical therapists that were truly dedicated to their craft and demonstrated the difference between standard physical therapy and elite individualized effective physical therapy. Thank you, Ernie, for giving me the opportunity to work in such an environment.
“I was surrounded by amazing physical therapists that were truly dedicated to their craft”
A special thanks to my mentor from BSR Tom Michaels. You were the best boss ever and on top of that the best clinical mentor I have ever had. You taught me so much in the 3+ years we worked together from recognizing compensations, to manual therapy, to being an effective leader. Thank you for reminding me to stay who I am and to make it fun not only for my clients but myself as well. I appreciate you not getting mad at me when I broke the fridge door from having a penalty shoot-out with one of my clients.
Dr. Boyd practicing the manual therapy he mastered at BSR
Thank you to all my Clinical Instructors/first mentors Terry Andrus, Wendy Jensen and Sharon Miller Wentworth. Terry was the first to show me how important manual therapy was, a thorough initial evaluation, first to show me how to perform a spinal/joint manipulation and led me down the path of becoming a specialist in PT. Wendy showed me compassion, patience with challenging clients and how to be creative as can be in order to challenge clients. Sharon, my business would not be if it wasn’t for you. You taught me how to treat the athlete, how to not say yes to treating everyone that did not meet the model client of the clinic, and how to build a brand/name. Thank you all for everything you have taught me and continue to teach me. Lee Ann Guenther thank you for placing me with all of them, I truly believe meeting/learning from each one was absolutely pivotal for my career.
Thank you to the entire Stockton University Physical Therapy Program Faculty (Bess Kat, Elaine, Pat, Tom, Lee Ann, Alysia, Mary Lou, Rob, Nancy, Tim) for providing the path to the profession and laying the foundation to becoming a good clinician. I was not the most mature (still am not at times) individual when I came into the program. Thank you for wising me up a great deal.
Thank you to DPT Class of 2013. I would never had made it without you guys. Thank you for making those 3 years fun so I could graduate, especially the crew.
Thank you, Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Residency at Temple University of Bill Egan, Scott Burns and Heidi Ojha. You guys opened my eyes on how to effectively and efficiently rehab people. Your guidance was monumental in my career and still is. On a related note, thank you Sheryl Comet for all your advice with the residency, OCS and SCS exams!
“You guys opened my eyes on how to effectively and efficiently rehab people.”
Thank you to my RevCowork family led by John Paolo Lorenzo, Joe DeCrosta , Caleb Rich, Jeremy N Fyfe Sr., Jonathan Herron, Kevin Lara, Maurice L. Lewis, Patrick Lorenzo, Stephen Rodier, Dan, and Richard Sanford. Your business advice, ideas, shout-outs marketing strategies continue to be essential in Trifectas growth and mean the world to me.
Thank you to the CrossFit Diversion family, coaches (Joe Onorato, Aaron Adams, Dawn Falls, Al Falls, Karim Fisher, Patrick Francis, Dan McGrenehan, Tracy Colligan, David Warner and members you guys from day 1 treated me like I been there for years and constantly support my company. You guys have been spreading the word of me better than anyone, thank you so much. Most importantly, thank you for keeping me healthy and active. I appreciate your dedication to safe and watching over your members. This is the strongest and arguably the healthiest I have been in years thanks to you guys.
On a related note, thank you also Well Fed Meal Prep team, for providing healthy delicious meals when I do not have the time to meal prep myself. On a related note off the related noted, thank you Bougie Bakes for providing a healthy sweet option, that way I do not feel guilty about having a cookie or two…or three.
Thank you, Bronwyn Lyman and Float Haven Health Spa. You have been my best spokesperson and referral since we met. Thank you for bringing me to all these events and exposing us to the sports population. Thank you for taking care of all my clients as well and truly providing them a haven for them to unwind.
Thank you to all my interns thus far, the legendary Hustle Habeeb, Dan Rosario and Nicole Fickas. You guys have made your mark on the Fecta for life.
Hustle Habeeb and the Decent Doctor showing their Trifecta pride
Thank you to my sports resident Mark Daitol for bringing in fresh knowledge, your weightlifting, whiskey, and cigar experience.
Thank you, my close buds and your respective spouses, Frank Locke (Liz Locke), Steve Locke (Andrea Nancy) Doug Fisher (Lauren), Johnny Kernan (Sarah Fisher), Scott Brian, Gregg Cardena (Heather), Russell Sadang , Mike Capozzi, Tj Sarnoski Christian Kaithern , Dan Locke (Sam), Pat McDermott (Brandi), and Shelley. In one way or another you have probably moved something heavy as hell into Trifecta, promoted Trifecta or listened to my crazy ideas about it, all of which I am incredibly thankful for. Thank you to my hometown buds Greg Watson (Giselle Ferreira), Bobby Brocco (Tara Brocco) and Conor Monaghan (Vikki) for being my real first clients before I was licensed and listening to my ideas when we were in college.
Thank you Scott Fisher (Magdalena Kernan) for being my first client and for creating the Trifecta logo. Everyone always comments on how awesome it is and it truly led to the brand/pose that it is today. Thank you for nicknaming it the Fecta as well, which has so much potential with hashtags. If anyone ever needs a logo check out The Fisher Tank:
Thank you parents of friends that also helped me out: the Fisher’s, the Locke’s, the Keefer’s, and the Sarnoski’s .
Thank you, Dr. Kathleen Murphy from my high school for leading to the path of medicine and writing my college recommendations.
Thank you, Jeff Rollins for making our website look amazing, much better than when I managed it.
Thank you, Rob McGowan for making the first Trifecta advertisement!
Thank you to Brandon Cornelius for making the first Trifecta commercial.
Thank you, to all of Alyssa’s bridesmaids/friends they support Trifecta as much as my friends do.
Thank you, TwoTwo Creative for making our marketing materials and whatever other ideas that we have. Their work is impeccable.
Thank you, Vaderson Custom Printing LLC, for making all our awesome Fecta gear, everyone loves them.
Thank you Justin Deal and Payday for handling payroll which I would most certainly screw up if it was just me.
Thank you Kris and Kim from Ben’s Barber Shop for the freshest cuts!
Thank you, Rowan University, Rowan College at Gloucester County and Stockton University for giving me the amazing opportunity to each at each of your distinguished schools.
Thank you to all our Fecta Friends of the active community that support us
MaxFit & Sports Coach Kevin and Daen
ZenSport and Coach Duarte
Happy Healthy You Family Medicine and Dr. Josette Palmer
Up2Fitness and Coach Janice
Xplosive Sports Performance Lab Ed Torres
POH Personal Training and Fitness and Coach Adam
Garden State Barbelland Nick DiPaolo
Rowan University Athletics and Athletic Training
Kevin Briles
Tara Balis (Sports Acupuncturist)
Kelli McLaughlin Velezof Nelse Chiropractice
Anthony Dissen RD
Brianna M. Crofton of Supreme Body Training
Limitless personal training and Kayleigh Young
Unboxed Personal Training LLCand Meg Lutes
Peace Love Yoga and Andrew Suppi
Coach Dana Shelton
Spin Bob Rourke
Coach Tim Hagerty
Jimmy Nutrition
Professional Athletes Kyle Hines and Julian Allen for trusting us with your care.
#Run856 community especially Jen Nichols for the constant shout-outs and the Treadmill!
Terry Myers and Terry Myers Entertainment & Sports
Les Vail and the Gloucester County Chamber of Commerce
Glassboro Township especially Lavon Phillips, Tawana Bryant, Mayor John Wallace and the Glassboro PD for welcoming us with open arms into your community.
Lastly, thank you to all my clients that make every day so much fun. Your dedication to the process makes me only want to work harder to help you guys out. Thank you for allowing me to be the quirky therapist that I am.
I most likely missed out on some people, and please do not take any offense, just remind me and I will mention you in a heartbeat. I also probably have a ton of grammatical errors (Biz aka the grammar police), I am by far too tired of typing at this point to try and make it perfect, my apologies in advance.
Thank you all so much again, I hope this journey continues so I can find more people to thank as the years go on.
Dr. Jeremy Boyd aka The Decent Doctor.
Are you interested in our services at Trifecta Therapeutics, but live too far away from our facility? Schedule a telehealth visit!