Top 5 Tips to Get Back to Your Sport!
Sports are back and we couldn’t be more excited! As you return to practice/games it’s important to consider the strategies you’ll need to implement in order to prepare yourself properly. Most people have been away from their sport and their training since March, and to rush back into it full steam ahead is a recipe for injuries both big and small. Both your body and your mind need to be well positioned to resume intense activity, and so we’ve compiled a list of things you need to do before heading back to competition.
Keep in mind that these are worthy tenants to live by when preparing for a season even when a pandemic isn’t a factor. Let’s get into it!
1. Ramp it up
Don’t jump straight back into your activity as if you weren’t just off for a few months. Progress yourself smartly and safely. Just as we RAMP up our warmup (Raise, Activate, Mobilize, Potentiate) before exercise, we need to ramp up our exposure to our sport. Focus on your sport specific activities/movements and integrate them into your training. Don’t jump back in unprepared!
2. Address your pain
Before returning to sport, seek out a skilled physical therapist to assess and address your pain/limitations. Injury risk during this time will be elevated due to the general lack of activity that most people have experienced, so make sure your mechanics, strength and mobility are where they need to be before getting in the game. The demands of your sport are unique and your rehab/movement prep should match this. Set yourself up for success!
3. Optimize nutrition
Your diet may have changed while you’ve been away from your sport. Be sure to meet the caloric demands that your body requires with your increase in activity.
Seek out a qualified sports nutritionist or nutrition coach to help you get primed for performance. If you treat your body like an engine, you’ve got to make sure you are putting in the right fuel. Nutrition is one detail you don’t want to skip.
4. Set up your sleep schedule: incorporate recovery
Your nutrition isn’t the only thing you need to consider post quarantine. If you want to optimize your performance then you may have to give up the late night Netflix binging you’ve been enjoying and dedicate yourself to a sleep schedule that will allow for optimal recovery and restful sleep! Make sure you incorporate recovery practices into your routine now that your activity levels will be rising.
5. Appreciate the moment
We know you’ve been missing your sport. We’ve all been missing them! So allow your time away from the sport to give you a new perspective moving forward.
Appreciate every game, every practice, and every rep. And go out there and perform! Respect and trust the process and put the work in and you’ll achieve your goals!
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